Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A New Year, A New Way

Well, it's been quite a month. First there's the matter of the snow. Lots of it. But more importantly, it's been a month of change for the nation. Who among us, other than pompous gasbags on the AM radio dial, has not been moved by the arrival of Barack Obama as President? Young, happy, moving, changing things, helping us hold our heads up high, this is the President now in office. Our expectations are soaring. And I know there's not a chance he will live up to our expectations. Many will feel the disappointment and bitterly complain that he's like all the rest. But for many others, I hope myself included, his daring to start changing the world view of the USA is one of the most important things he can do. He's doing it with the appointment of Senator Mitchell from Maine....a man who has considerable success in bringing people together both in Ireland and the Middle East. Mitchell will work hard to bring peace to that troubled region. The President is shutting down Guantanamo. He is ending torture of enemy combatants. He is actually talking to Republicans. What a breath of fresh air. I wish him luck. I hope he uses his immense popularity to ask us all to sacrifice. I hope he leads. It's been so long we've had no leader. I hope he deals with the thieves who have raided the pensions of innocents and the executives who collect their millions and millions as their corporations fail.
Last Saturday night, under star-filled skies, I stood alongside a frozen Maine lake and felt a sense of awe. The stars shimmered above and it felt so peaceful. I thought about my parents and all those who have come before us who struggled to give us the lives we now have. In the zero degree air, I felt comfort that my country is again being set on a course I could believe in. As I turned to go back to the winter camp I shared with friends, a slight breeze came up. I had this warm feeling that my Dad was at my side saying, 'All is well.' It feels good. First time in a long time.

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