Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stop Grabbing My Lapels

I don't know about you, but are you sick and tired of having the commentators on the news say, "Look, this is what you need to know..."? I crave educated discourse and discussion. Not loud-mouthed know-it-all's telling me to "LOOK...." Each time somebody says, "Look..." I don't want to. "Look" is an obnoxious way of trying to grab my attention, perhaps even interrupt a conversation with the message, "I have something more important to say than you and you need to hear it NOW! Give me a break. "Look" is simply said too many times. When I'm watching Larry King or Wolf Blitzer or any of these info-schmo's and someone begins saying, "Look...", I just go away, knowing my brain needs better input. I flip on some comforting music, perhaps one of those CD's that's buried deep in my stacks of music. And I listen. Relax. Often I read one of those old-fashioned pieces of paper that purports to contain news. Some papers actually carry news. How refreshing to read them on occasion. And the papers generally don't shout, "LOOK!" Politely tell those on the tube who are getting in your face and grabbing your lapels and saying, "Look...I'm talking here..." to go away, in the most polite, passive-aggressive kind of way. Amen.